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 We held an open afternoon in aid of Cancer Research UK at School Farm on Sunday 22nd September 2024.  It poured with rain all morning and we all were a little disheartened (except Graham) as we were due to start at 2pm – but then at 1pm the rain stopped  and the sun came out!  Many thanks to Kingsbury Band who played magnificently and to Muchelney Village for lending us their marquees.

Thank you so much to everyone who came, those kind people that baked cakes and those who helped in loads of other ways – a total of £2094.82 was raised for the charity.

Update on Sue

Our great friend Sue Applegate from Langport was diagnosed with cancer in September 2023.  She has had an operation and chemotherapy and is now hopefully on the mend as of August 2024.

The owl box

The above photo shows Joe putting up an owl box in an open fronted barn back in February 2024.  This one had to go inside as it isn’t waterproof.  We have seen a barn owl in it but at this stage don’t know if there are any owlets as a result.

Beef now in the freezer

We have had 2 beef animals back from the butcher and the meat is now available from the freezer, including homemade beefburgers.  Now sold out of burgers as of end of September.

The pigs are still growing!

We have just 4 Oxford Sandy & Black pigs at a time.  They are outside and at this time of year are enjoying a wallow in hot weather and loads of weeds/bindweed from the garden and a bit later on will have faller apples too.  We have a few joints left in the freezer from the last 4. but no sausages.  The current 4 will go to the butcher in  the middle /end of October.